Analytical Chemistry
Define, improve and verify your innovation.
At ABPDU, we engage in continuous process improvement to enable the successful scaling of each unit operation. We use extensive analytics to:
- Identify and quantify substrates and metabolites in fermentation processes
- Develop analytical methods for fermentation products
- Understand the conversion process of various feedstocks
Precise Quantification
We use protocols and techniques widely recognized by industry, but also have the flexibility to adapt these protocols and develop methods customized to our projects. We use validation characteristics to ensure the data quality.

Analytical Chemistry Options
Biomass Chemical Composition Analysis
We perform quantitative analyses of various types of biomass to determine their lipid, starch, ash, glucan, xylan, lignin, and C/H/N/S content, adhering to established protocols. We use High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and High-Performance Anion Exchange chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (HPAE-PAD) Ion Chromatography to measure the concentration of sugars and degradation products in biomass hydrolysates.
Fermentation Process Analysis
We conduct analyses for fermentation substrates, metabolites, and products using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography (GCMS and GC-FID), and Thermo Scientific Gallery Discrete Photometric Analyzer.
Material Physical Properties Analysis
We use rheology and energy density methodologies to understand the physio and chemical properties of starting materials to support operational planning and process design from scale up to commercialization.
Protein Characterization
We carry out qualitative and quantitative analyses of proteins and enzymes. Our analysis capabilities include SDS-PAGE, protein content, and microplate activity assays.
Access to Advanced Characterization Facilities
- Multiscale microscope technologies (including scanning electron microscope, confocal laser scanning microscope for structure analysis, and X-Ray diffraction for crystallinity analysis) at the Molecular Foundry
- Biomass thermal degradation analyzer (TGA analysis) and FT-IR analysis at the Joint BioEnergy Institute
- Beamlines for crystallinity analysis at the Advanced Light Source.