July 24-28, 2016
Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology

The meeting will start with a keynote address by Professor Christine Smolke from Stanford University followed by the second Science Slam. The Science Slam was a new event at the 2015 Annual Meeting that was well received. At the science slam, students, postdocs, and young investigators will present an appetizer of their work in a brief dynamic presentation.
The technical program will feature sessions in the five traditional SIMB focus areas: Biocatalysis, Environmental Microbiology, Fermentation & Cell Culture, Natural Products, and Metabolic Engineering. The program committee has recruited outstanding conveners who are lining up speakers in areas such as microbiome and microbial therapeutics, microbial control and food safety, enzymes from extreme environments, technologies for high throughput screening and fermentation, synthetic biology tools and applications, advanced imaging and analytical capabilities, and moving technologies from academia to the marketplace, to name a few. A special session in honor of Arny Demain’s contributions to industrial microbiology is also planned.
ABPDU Technical Presentations at SIMB 2016
P10 Developing Streptomyces venezualae as a platform organism for production of branched fuel compounds
Sundstrom*, S. Hubbard, T. Pray and D. Tanjore, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Emeryville, CA; S. Yuzawa and L. Katz, University of California, Berkeley, Emeryville, CA
P12 Varying nutrient concentrations impact ethanol production during fermentation of cellulosic sugars from mixed feedstock
C.S. Chen*, F. Tachea, A. Narani, M. Miller, P. Coffman, T. Pray and D. Tanjore, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Emeryville, CA; T. Schofield, Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) Program, Emeryville, CA