
December 15, 2018

Todd Pray, ABPDU Program Director, Receives Berkeley Lab's Director's Achievement Award

The award is given for accomplishments, leadership, collaboration, multi-disciplinary science, cross-divisional projects, and commitment to excellence in support of Berkeley Lab’s mission and strategic goals

December 04, 2018

Scientists Develop Higher-Performance Fuels, Biofuels and Bioproducts

Researchers at JBEI and the ABPDU have developed a new polyketide synthase-based platform

September 30, 2018

Three Agile BioFoundry Bioenergy R&D Projects Receive DOE Awards

Lygos, ZymoChem, and the University of California San Diego are recipients of the DOE's Bioenergy Engineering for Products Synthesis and will work with the Agile BioFoundry and its partners, including the ABPDU, to further their processes.

August 12, 2018

Biosciences Area Director’s Award Recipients

Several Biosciences Area personnel are among the 2018 Berkeley Lab Director’s Awards honorees.

May 07, 2018

Direct Funding Opportunity Announcement by Bioprocessing Separations Consortium

The submission deadline is July 6, 2018.

October 17, 2017

Beyond Biofuels: Berkeley Lab Facility a Catalyst for Broader Bio-based Economy

Five years in, the ABPDU has established more than 30 diverse partnerships

September 12, 2017

Director of the CA Governor's Office of Business Visits ABPDU

Panorea Avdis, GO Biz’s Director, learned more about how the ABPDU can be a resource for young biosciences companies seeking to scale up operations

August 08, 2017

AIChE Honors ABPDU Researchers

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers recognizes two ABPDU early-career researchers with honors to be bestowed at the 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting this fall

April 21, 2017

New Partnership for ABPDU Through DOE’s Small Business Voucher Pilot

Berkeley Lab will collaborate with four small businesses. One of them is Kalion Inc. based in Milton, Massachusetts, who will use the Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Process Demonstration Unit’s capabilities.

March 07, 2017

ABPDU Collaborates with Mango Materials Thanks to Small Business Vouchers Pilot

Mango Materials partners with ABPDU to test new processes of producing renewable plastics that are biodegradable and petroleum-free.