
March 10, 2016

Lygos Accelerates Commercialization of Bio-Malonic Acid

Bio-Malonic acid fermentation process to be validated at ABPDU and scaled at NREL

March 10, 2016

Berkeley Lab to Collaborate with Small Businesses to Commercialize Clean Energy Products

Lygos will conduct the testing at APBDU to overcome current barriers to scale-up, and then move production to NREL.

August 25, 2015

What Does the Cloud Have to do with Biotech Funding?

Transcriptic and Emerald Cloud Laboratory have one thing in common: how to bring down the cost of biotech research and innovation so more startups can be funded. Like us!

August 24, 2015

Replacing the Barrel

The U.S. trade deficit in petroleum products is finally shrinking. Policies that foster better fuel economy, increased oil production, and expanded use of renewable fuels have helped reduce our reliance on imported fuels from 60% in 2005 to 40% in 2012—and the trend continues.

August 23, 2015

Biomass Is Not Waste

The California Energy Commission recently published some alarming statistics on how much we waste and what's being done about utilizing biomass for energy.

August 23, 2015

Equipment Training Sessions Taught Me a Thing or Two

By participating in training sessions, I got a quick overview of JMP Pro and some useful tips about using Watson-Marlow pumps.

June 24, 2015

Innovative Microvi Bio-Ethanol Technology Validated at ABPDU

Feedstock conversions yields approach theoretical maximum

June 15, 2015

Why We Have a Joint BioEnergy Institute: The Story of Ionic Liquids

ABPDU's collaboration with the Joint BioEnergy Institute is featured in Biofuels Digest.

March 02, 2015

First Bioprocess Pilot Production of Malonic Acid From Renewables

Lygos’ fermentation technology enables production of malonic acid at a lower cost

May 29, 2014

The Bio-Incredibles

ABPDU's success is featured in Biofuels Digest.