For Better Quantum Sensing, Go With the Flow

A new technique that combines nanodiamonds in microdroplets of liquid for quantum sensing could be useful for creating self-driving bioreactors.

Categories: News, Newsroom

U.S. Army Collaborates with ABPDU to Enhance Biomanufacturing Skills

ABPDU and the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center developed a training program to share biomanufacturing knowledge with researchers in the Department of Defense.

Categories: News, Newsroom

ABPDU Next Gen Tech Expo Recap

The event featured presentations from 38 entities around the world working on scale-up software, data, AI, equipment, and expertise. 

Categories: News, Newsroom

ABPDU Alumni Highlight: Gregory Bontemps 

ABPDU alumnus Gregory Bontemps shares what it was like to work at ABPDU, what he's doing now, and his future career ambitions in this Q&A.

Categories: Alumni Highlights, News, Newsroom, Spotlight

ABPDU Alumni Highlight: Sara Tejedor Sanz

Sara Tejedor Sanz joined ABPDU in 2021 as a senior scientific engineer. She is starting a new role as a scientist at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.

Categories: Alumni Highlights, News, Newsroom

ABPDU Next Gen Tech Expo

This two-day virtual event will feature presentations from vendors for scale-up software, equipment, and expertise.

Categories: News, Newsroom

From the Lab to the Classroom: Sheela Vemu Develops Biomanufacturing Curriculum at ABPDU 

Waubonsee Community College professor Sheela Vemu spent the summer at ABPDU developing a biomanufacturing curriculum for community colleges.

Categories: Newsroom

Nurturing STEM Opportunities for Native American Interns

This summer, ABPDU hosted an intern from the Arizona State University-Berkeley Lab STEM Pathways program.

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ABPDU Intern Shares Summer Research Experience

Meet Addison Hitt, a student at Queens University of Charlotte who researched polyester recycling this summer as an ABPDU intern.

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Turning Agricultural Trash to Treasure

New funding will help Berkeley Lab and partners improve how the diverse agricultural waste in California’s Northern San Joaquin Valley can be used to make sustainable bioproducts and biofuels.

Categories: News, Newsroom