ABPDU Enters into New Federal Strategic Partnership Program Agreements
New partners include Ardra Bio, Hampton Creek and Ginkgo Bioworks.
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ABPDU Researchers Participate in Lab-Corps Program Training
ABPDU researchers are part of two teams participating in EERE's Lab-Corps program of entrepreneurial training.
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Lygos Accelerates Commercialization of Bio-Malonic Acid
Bio-Malonic acid fermentation process to be validated at ABPDU and scaled at NREL
Categories: News, Press Releases
Berkeley Lab to Collaborate with Small Businesses to Commercialize Clean Energy Products
Lygos will conduct the testing at APBDU to overcome current barriers to scale-up, and then move production to NREL.
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Replacing the Barrel
The U.S. trade deficit in petroleum products is finally shrinking. Policies that foster better fuel economy, increased oil production, and expanded use of renewable fuels have helped reduce our reliance on imported fuels from 60% in 2005 to 40% in 2012—and the trend continues.
Categories: Additional Resources
Innovative Microvi Bio-Ethanol Technology Validated at ABPDU
Feedstock conversions yields approach theoretical maximum
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Why We Have a Joint BioEnergy Institute: The Story of Ionic Liquids
ABPDU's collaboration with the Joint BioEnergy Institute is featured in Biofuels Digest.
Categories: News, Newsroom, Press Releases
First Bioprocess Pilot Production of Malonic Acid From Renewables
Lygos’ fermentation technology enables production of malonic acid at a lower cost
Categories: News, Press Releases
The Bio-Incredibles
ABPDU's success is featured in Biofuels Digest.
Categories: News, Newsroom, Press Releases
Current Challenges in Commercially Producing Biofuels from Lignocellulosic Biomass
Biofuels that are produced from biobased materials are a good alternative to petroleum based fuels. They offer several benefits to society and the environment. Producing second generation biofuels is even more challenging than producing first generation biofuels due the complexity of the biomass and issues related to producing, harvesting, and transporting less dense biomass to centralized biorefineries.
Categories: Additional Resources: Techno Economic