ABPDU Participates at EERE’s National Lab Impact Summit
The summit celebrates recent National Laboratory successes and brings together the nation’s public- and private-sector energy leaders to formulate the next stage of clean energy technology innovation.
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Bioenergy Technologies Office’s Director Refers To ABPDU’s Achievement
Male referred to pre-pilot-scale production of malonic acid from pure non-food sugar as a model for cellulosic sugars by industrial biotechnology company Lygos Inc., which was successfully achieved at the ABPDU.
Categories: News, Press Releases
ABPDU Enters into New Federal Strategic Partnership Program Agreements
New partners include Ardra Bio, Hampton Creek and Ginkgo Bioworks.
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ABPDU Researchers Participate in Lab-Corps Program Training
ABPDU researchers are part of two teams participating in EERE's Lab-Corps program of entrepreneurial training.
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Lygos Accelerates Commercialization of Bio-Malonic Acid
Bio-Malonic acid fermentation process to be validated at ABPDU and scaled at NREL
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Berkeley Lab to Collaborate with Small Businesses to Commercialize Clean Energy Products
Lygos will conduct the testing at APBDU to overcome current barriers to scale-up, and then move production to NREL.
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Innovative Microvi Bio-Ethanol Technology Validated at ABPDU
Feedstock conversions yields approach theoretical maximum
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Why We Have a Joint BioEnergy Institute: The Story of Ionic Liquids
ABPDU's collaboration with the Joint BioEnergy Institute is featured in Biofuels Digest.
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First Bioprocess Pilot Production of Malonic Acid From Renewables
Lygos’ fermentation technology enables production of malonic acid at a lower cost
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The Bio-Incredibles
ABPDU's success is featured in Biofuels Digest.
Categories: News, Newsroom, Press Releases